Simple Password Reset Module


This module allows customer to retrieve the password in the more convenient way. This module will allow the user to specify new password by a link having security token. In PrestaShop 1.6 the current password recovery system is bit long and awkward but this module make it standard and short yet more secure that it is.

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PrestaShop 1.6Yes
PrestaShop 1.7No

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"Simple Password Reset" module will ask for the registered email and will send a link with the security token to the registered email address. By clicking on it, the customer can enter his new password without passing through any boring process of the auto-generated password.
In current situation of PrestaShop 1.6.*.*, When the user forgets his password, he needs to proceed with a "Forgot a password" where he needs to provide his email. Then PrestaShop will send a verification link to his registered mail. After this, when user will click on that link and PrestaShop will generate random digits as password and again it will send it to he registered email. That password is hard to remember for the user and again he needs to change it from the back-office.
When you use "Simple Password Reset" module, your customer can have a new easy and efficient way to reset the password with a secure one-time usable link.
Simple Password Reset is a standard and stand-alone PrestaShop module. Just upload the zip using your PrestaShop back office or upload "quick pass" directory to your /modules/ folder using FTP method. Then you can install and enable it from the back-office.


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Simple Password Reset Module

Simple Password Reset Module

This module allows customer to retrieve the password in the more convenient way. This module will allow the user to specify new password by a link having security token. In PrestaShop 1.6 the current password recovery system is bit long and awkward but this module make it standard and short yet more secure that it is.